All business activities of Hit and its manufacturers shall comply with all applicable national, state, provincial and local laws and regulations, industry minimum standards, ILO and UN Conventions, and any other relevant statutory requirements whichever requirements are more stringent that pertain to product safety, employment and manufacturing.
All business activities of Hit and its manufacturers shall comply with all applicable national, state, provincial and local laws and regulations, industry minimum standards, ILO and UN Conventions, and any other relevant statutory requirements whichever requirements are more stringent that pertain to product safety, employment and manufacturing.
Hit Promotional Products respects the right of all personnel to form and join trade unions of their choice and to bargain collectively. In situations or countries in which law restricts the rights regarding freedom of association and collective bargaining, parallel means of independent and free organization and bargaining shall be facilitated for all personnel. It shall be ensured that representatives of personnel have access to their members in the workplace.
Hit Promotional Products will not tolerate discrimination in hiring, remuneration, access to training, promotion, termination or retirement based on gender, age, religion, race, caste, social background, disability, ethnic and national origin, nationality, membership in workers’ organizations including unions, political affiliation, sexual orientation, or any other personal characteristics.
Through our factory audit program Hit mandates that its suppliers and vendors ensure that wages paid for regular working hours, overtime hours and overtime differentials shall meet or exceed legal minimums and/or industry standards. Illegal, unauthorized, or disciplinary deductions from wages shall not be made. In situations in which the legal minimum wage and/or industry standards do not cover living expenses and provide some additional disposable income, supplier companies are further encouraged providing their employees with adequate compensation to meet these needs.
Hit and its supplier companies shall comply with applicable national laws and industry standards on working hours. The maximum allowable working hours in a week are as defined by national law but shall not on a regular basis exceed 48 hours and the maximum allowable overtime hours in a week shall not exceed 12 hours. Overtime hours are to be worked solely on voluntary basis and to be paid at a premium rate. An employee is entitled to at least one free day following six consecutive days worked.
Hit Promotional Products absolutely forbids the use of child labor as defined by ILO and United Nations Conventions and/or by national law. Of these various standards, the one that is the most stringent shall be followed. Any forms of exploitation of children are forbidden. Working conditions resembling slavery or harmful to children’s health are forbidden. The rights of young workers must be protected. In the event that children are found to be working in situations, which fit the definition of child labor above, policies and procedures for remediation of children found to be working shall be established and documented by the supplier company. Furthermore, the supplier company shall provide adequate support to enable such children to attend and remain in school until no longer a child.
All forms of forced labor, such as lodging deposits or the retention of identity documents from personnel upon commencing employment, are forbidden, as is prisoner labor that violates basic human rights. Hit’s manufacturers shall not knowingly use factories that force work to be performed as a form of indentured servitude. This use of corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion, and verbal abuse is forbidden.
Procedures and standards for waste management, handling, and disposal of chemicals other dangerous materials, emissions and effluent treatment must meet or exceed minimum legal requirements. Hit reserves the right to either conduct on its own or have an appointed agent conduct an inspection of a manufacturers workplace environment, employment practices, records, facilities and if provided - housing accommodations. Hit may also use its own discretion and conduct private interviews with employees of its suppliers.
The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) was passed by the United States Congress in August of 2008. The sections of the law applicable to the Promotional Products industry concern items that are classified as Children’s Products. While all items featured in the Hit Promotional Products catalog are designed to meet applicable Federal regulations, they are not designed for, or intended for use by children. We do realize, however, that some of our products may fall under the CPSC’s new definition of what a “Children’s Product” is: The term “children’s product” means a consumer product designed or intended primarily for children 12 years of age or younger. In determining whether a consumer product is primarily intended for a child 12 years of age or younger, the following factors shall be considered:
(A) A statement by a manufacturer about the intended use of such product, including a label on such product if such statement is reasonable.
(B) Whether the product is represented in its packaging, display, promotion, or advertising as appropriate for use by children 12 years of age or younger.
(C) Whether the product is commonly recognized by consumers as being intended for use by a child 12 years of age or younger.
(D) The Age Determination Guidelines issued by the Commission staff in September 2002, and any successor to such guidelines.
This new legislation imposes a third-party testing requirement for all consumer products primarily intended for children twelve years of age or younger. Every manufacturer (including an importer) or private labeler of a children’s product must have its product tested by an accredited independent testing lab and, based on the testing, must issue a certificate that the product meets all applicable CPSC requirements. Items in the catalog that are earmarked with the “CPSIA Compliant” logo have been classified by our Product Safety team as Children’s Products and have been tested by a CPSC approved 3rd Party laboratory for use by Children 3 years of age and up in accordance with ASTM F963-16 guidelines for “Toy Safety”. Item marked with this logo require certain tracking information to be present in order for the ultimate consumer to identify the origin of a product in the event of a product recall. In order to meet this CPSIA requirement, these items have the country of origin, “”, and a unique tracking number molded and/or imprinted on them. For specifics on the location of this tracking imprint for a specific item, email [email protected].
The CPSIA has changed the acceptable levels of Lead in Paint and Surface Coatings for all consumer products from less than 600 ppm to less than 90 ppm effective August 2009. Hit Promotional Products items with painted surfaces have been and will continue to be in compliance with the applicable laws.
The new legislation also increases the range of products that require testing and certification. Under prior law, certification was generally required only for consumer products subject to standards promulgated by the Commission under the Consumer Product Safety Act. Now, this general certification requirement has been extended to all products subject to bans as well as standards under the CPSA and to products subject to any similar rule, standard, ban, or regulation under any other Act enforced by the Commission. This General Certificate of Conformity (GCC) is called a Children’s Product Certificate (CPC) when certifying compliance of a children’s product or toy under the CPSIA. Section 102 of the CPSIA makes third party testing mandatory for children’s products, and the Final Rule for testing and labeling pertaining to product certification (16 CFR 1107) went into effect on February 8, 2013. Accordingly, Hit uses a CPSC approved third party testing facility to perform annual testing of all items identified as children’s products or toys; each item’s corresponding CPC is available on, and the supporting test reports are available upon request.
Hit Promotional Products maintains GCC forms for all children’s products in our line as well as products requiring general certification. These documents are available for download next to the corresponding product and can be found under the Compliance link in the Account Services section on our website, or can be furnished to customers upon request.
WARNING: Items throughout the catalog that are noted to contain one or more small magnets should be kept away from all children. Do not put in nose or mouth. Swallowed magnets can stick together across intestines causing serious injury or death. Seek immediate medical attention if magnet(s) are swallowed or inhaled.
Hit Promotional Products is dedicated to providing its customers with safe products that exceed their expectations for quality and safety and designed to comply with all statutory and voluntary standards and regulations. We have assembled an executive level Product Safety and Compliance Team which is comprised of Senior Managers from Purchasing, Production, Operations, and Marketing that report directly to company Ownership and together have developed robust policies to deter and prevent non-compliant product from shipping to a customer. The foundation of these policies is based upon open daily communication internally and with our sourcing partners throughout the supply chain. Procedures have been established for product design and performance as well as raw material certification, regulatory requirements and traceability and the validation of communication leading up to the Design Approval Process. Additional procedures are in place for internal and external Third Party testing and Corrective Actions ending with manufacturer based and domestic inspections as well as a protocol for recall should the need arise.
Together with our legal counsel Callet Law and ANSECO An AsiaInspection Company, a leading provider of quality and safety services and an accredited Third Party Testing laboratory, we have identified all relevant product standards and regulations and have established voluntary standards.
While it is important to note that none of our products were designed or intended for Children under the age of 12, but for use by businesses and individuals as general use promotional items, we do realize that in most cases it is prudent to treat some of our items as a children’s product and to certify that these products comply with all applicable Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) safety rules, bans, standards and regulations and to issue a subsequent Children’s Product Certificate (CPC) which can be found for each applicable product on the website by clicking on the Compliance link under the Account Services tabor by visiting the individual item webpages and selecting Compliance in the Select and Action Box. (Note: a consolidated list of these items is available on our website.)
All items determined by our Product Safety and Compliance Team and outside counsel not to be children’s products have been reviewed and meet all applicable standards and regulations issued under the Consumer Product Safety Act (CPSA), the Federal Hazardous Substances Act (FHSA), the Flammable Fabrics Act (FFA), and the Poison Prevention Packaging Act (PPPA).
Hit also received accreditation and certification from the Quality Certification Alliance (QCA), an independent, non-profit industry membership organization committed to the measurable improvement of product safety and quality and the accreditation of its applicant members through third party evaluation of social compliance, quality, product safety, environmental, and security systems at their headquarters and throughout the supply chain. Although QCA has ceased operations, Hit remains committed to the principles developed as a previously accredited company.
All products shipped by Hit Promotional Products, Inc. into the State of California are subject to Proposition 65 (“Prop 65”) or The Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986. “Prop 65” was created through the ballot initiative process and was intended to protect California citizens and the State’s drinking water from a State determined list of over 850 chemicals that are “known” by the State to cause cancer, reproductive harm, or birth defects. This list and other information regarding “Prop 65” can be accessed at
Prop 65 requires that a “clear and reasonable warning” be provided by a Person/Company in the course of doing business, who manufactures, produces, assembles, processes, handles, distributes, stores, sells, or otherwise transfers a consumer product which he or she knows to contain a chemical known to the state to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity to any person to whom the product is sold or transferred.
The lead state agency handling Proposition 65, the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA;, has established safe harbor levels which include No Significant Risk Levels (NSRLs) for cancer-causing chemicals and Maximum Allowable Dose Levels (MADLs) for chemicals causing reproductive toxicity for many of the 850 chemicals listed under Proposition 65. Exposure levels and discharges to drinking water sources that are below the safe harbor levels are exempt from the requirements of Proposition 65. A document that provides the status of OEHHA’s adoption or development of NSRLs and MADLs is available below.
For chemicals that do not have published or established safe harbor levels, the burden is on the defendant to establish an appropriate MADL or NSRL, and to show that the exposures in its products do not exceed these levels. For exposures to consumer products, such as promotional items, the level of exposure to the listed chemical is calculated using the reasonably anticipated rate of intake or exposure for average users of the consumer product.
Companies are becoming increasingly vulnerable to lawsuits for Proposition 65 indiscretions. Proposition 65 may be enforced by the California Attorney General, public enforcers such as district attorneys, and private plaintiffs suing in the public interest (after they have first served a 60-day notice of violation on all public prosecutors and no public prosecutor proceeds to enforce the alleged violation). A plaintiff may seek injunctive relief as well as penalties of $2,500 per violation per day. A more general California statute allows most successful plaintiffs to recover their attorneys’ fees as well. It is important to note the very long reach of Proposition 65 liability. One need not be doing business in California to be in the chain of Proposition 65 litigation. Indeed, you could be a New Jersey distributor of products sold to you by a Massachusetts supplier, and your client could be doing business in New York, with no California affiliation. Should one of the items you sold to your client end up in California, you and your supplier and your client could be named as defendants in a Proposition 65 lawsuit, and the venue would be in California. Hit Promotional Products is fully committed to providing the highest quality, safest products for our clients and all Hit products meet applicable federal safety and warning requirements, standards and regulations as enforced by the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and the Federal Communications Commission. While procedures have been established as part of our ongoing Product Safety initiatives throughout our supply chain to insure the purchase and use of raw materials that will meet Prop 65 standards, our efforts have to date been focused on the Third Party testing of our products to insure that they are in compliance with the very stringent regulations set forth by the CPSIA in regards to lead content in substrates and surface coatings of Children’s Products and Toys along with applicable Phthalate content. While lead content has been the focus of litigation in Proposition 65 cases, our current Proposition strategy has been to use our lead testing program to demonstrate that the products that we ship to California meet the Proposition 65 standards for lead.
Because we cannot test every piece of every order that we ship to California for every one of the Proposition 65 listed 850 chemicals, you may continue to have concerns about compliance with Proposition 65. If so, then the safest option is to include a label on each product that may ship to the State of California which we will do free of charge upon request. The label will read as follows and will ensure full compliance with California Proposition 65 requirements:
warning WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm -
For a plain language version of the Proposition 65 regulations, please visit:
Orders will be acknowledged.
Mint boxes take 10-14 days to produce from the receipt of signed artwork approval.
The size of the Greeting Card is 3.5" x 5.25". They are $3.00 (v) per card with the same message and $6.00 (v) per card if there are different messages. There is no charge to insert the same greeting card in all packages. There is no charge to insert the same greeting card provided to the factory. If we are matching specific cards to specific packages, there is a $2.00 (v) charge per package.
We hold ourselves to the highest standards in product safety, product testing and social responsibility. We are an FDA registered facility, operating in accordance with the State of New Jersey Health Department, Kosher Certification and the Department of Transportation shipping guidelines, the Consumer Product Safety Act and Prop 65 regulations.
Art charges will be assessed according to time, difficulty and amount of materials used at $40.00(X) per hour. Notification will be sent if charge exceeds $40.00.
NOTE: All artwork received will be maxed out to our imprint area unless otherwise specified on your artwork and P.O.
To view full Artwork Requirements, please see our Artwork Requirements page.
The minimum per color is 50 pieces. For Drinkware and Ceramics, assorted colors must be ordered in full case quantities per color. If you require color assortments below these minimums, a $50.00(G) per carton fee will be assessed.
Orders cancelled during production will be charged for the work completed at the time of cancellation. Embroidered items add $100.00(G).
Debossed, Transfer and Silk-Screened items - same as set up charge for that item.
Pad-Printed or Silk-Screened items add $25.00(G) per change.
Any changes made to an order (by phone) after received at factory must be confirmed in writing, email or by fax. Note: Changes may delay shipments and charges may apply.
Complaints must be made within 15 days after receipt of shipment.
All confirming orders must be clearly marked as such. Factory will not be responsible for duplication of orders if “Confirmation” was not clearly marked on order
Co-Op programs will be extended to the End Quantity Price providing at least the minimum quantity is ordered for each release. All other applicable charges are as per the standard catalog pricing. A copy of the catalog in which you are featuring a Hit® item must be submitted to our factory. All Co-Op purchase orders must clearly state “Co-Op Program”.
Hit® assumes that artwork submitted for reproduction in producing an order, was submitted in full compliance with the laws governing copyright, trademarks, etc. Purchasers, by placing these orders, agree not to hold Hit® responsible for any damages, costs and/ or expenses arising under these laws as a consequence of our use of said artwork.
Country of origin marking may be molded or imprinted onto the products. This is a federal requirement. Please request a sample to make sure placement is acceptable to your customer before ordering.
Beginning June 1st, 2022, a credit/debit card surcharge fee of 2.99% of the total payment amount will be assessed on all credit/debit card payments. Payments via ACH, Wire, Check, Credit Memos, and other accepted payment methods will continue without imposition of a service fee.
Due to variances of materials and other circumstances beyond our control, Hit® cannot guarantee continuity of shade, color, size, texture or construction of finished goods from lot to lot. Due to manufacture tolerances, all dimensions have acceptable variations that are dependent on the product.. Hit® is not liable for delays due to acts of God, material shortages, shipping or customs interventions.
Unless otherwise specified on product page price includes up to 7 thread colors and 5,000 stitches for bags, golf towels and blankets, 7,000 stitches for caps. If design exceeds the included amount of stitches we will quote before proceeding with order.
THREAD COLORS: See page 966 for standard Madeira thread colors. Add .35(G) per item for Metallic Gold & Silver, per 1,000 stitches.
TAPE CHARGE: $100.00(G) for all new orders. For designs exceeding the standard amount of stitches, add $35.00(G) per each additional 1,000 stitches to the embroidery tape charge and .35(G) running charge for every additional 1,000 stitches to the price of the item. Additional stitch charges also apply to all free tape orders.
1. Reduction or enlargement of customer supplied tape - $15.00(X).Maximum reduction or enlargement of tape is 20% of original size.
2. Up to 2 lines of straight-line type edit - $20.00(X). Straight line copy-stock lettering only. Up to 7,000 stitches $25.00(X) tape charge. DUPLICATE TAPES/DISCS: Tape on file, $25.00(X) each.
ADDITIONAL THREAD COLORS: Add $1.50(C) per piece, per color, per location for 8th and 9th color. If a thread color change is required add $35.00(G) per change.
INDIVIDUAL PERSONALIZATION: Initials - add $5.00(G) per bag to the embroidered price. Names - add $8.00(G) per bag to the embroidered price. Note: Names and Initials not to exceed 1" height and not smaller than ½".
3D EMBROIDERY PRICING: In addition to the standard embroidery price please add $1.85(G) per piece, per color up to 7,000 stitches (2 color max, front panel only). Art must be approved by factory. For every additional 1,000 stitches add .54(G) to the price of the cap. Additional stitch charges also apply to all free tape orders.
REAR & SIDE EMBROIDERY: Up to 5,000 stitches and 7 thread colors, add $2.50(G), plus a $50.00(G) tape charge. Left Side Embroidery on visors is NOT AVAILABLE.
Side Embroidery Area: Caps: 3" W x 2" H • Visors: 3" W x ⅝" H (right side only).
Rear Embroidery Area: 3 ½" W. Call for template.
Maximum imprint area will be used unless otherwise specified on order.
Please see page 966 for a list of standard colors used.
Please contact factory for Offset Printing colors.
Ceramic: PMS color match not available. Note: Because of high firing temperature of ceramic enamels, exact color match cannot be guaranteed.
Pad-Printing: PMS color match - add $50.00(G) per color, per order.
Exact color match cannot be guaranteed on re-runs or proofs.
Silk-Screen: PMS color match - add $50.00(G). Exact color match cannot be guaranteed on re-runs or proofs. Double hit is recommended for better ink coverage when printing light ink colors on dark-colored canvas.
Please call for details and pricing.
Transfer Printing: PMS color match add $50.00(G) per color, per order. Please Note: Exact color match cannot be guaranteed on re-runs or proofs.
Debossing: Art must be submitted in one color, with text at least 1∕8" H.
Rush Service not available.
Digibrite Printing: PMS color match not available. Art will be converted to CMYK and the closest possible color will be used. Artwork will print best on white items and will vary depending on item color. Colorbrite Drinkware & Dye-Sublimation: PMS color match cannot be guaranteed.
Dye sublimation printing involves the use of a special dye ink that sublimates when it is introduced to high temperatures. This ink is first printed onto a transfer paper via a digital printer and then this printed image is transferred onto the item using heat and pressure. The ink reacts to the heat by “sublimating” in that it changes from a solid state into a gas state (thereby skipping the liquid state entirely). The dye then bonds with the polyester fabric to create the image. It is important to note that with “All-Over” dye sublimation printing, there are inconsistencies that will occur from print to print. This makes each printed item have some variation relative to the other prints throughout the run so that no two prints are the same. The most common inconsistency that will occur is in the form of white showing through the fabric where the ink doesn’t penetrate all the way through the pile. Another inconsistency that can occur is called “ghosting”. This happens when the dye gas settles into the fabric in unintended areas. Generally, when ghosting occurs it will create color shadows along edges of elements within your design. These inconsistencies are part of the nature of the dye sublimation process and are unpreventable. These variations are deemed acceptable on dye sublimated items.
Imprint Colors: All standard colors available.
Note: Metallic Gold and Platinum are not standard on Ceramic items.
Add .50(C) per side, per piece.
Price includes wraparound imprint. Wraparound imprints are for one continuous piece of art. For imprints that line up symmetrically on opposite sides, a 2-sided imprint method must be chosen.
Wraparound imprint on handled/tapered mugs or bottles may distort near the paring line. Due to the shape of some products, geometric shapes and/or logos may be distorted and wraparound imprint may not be offered. Second side imprint varies on each item. Charges are marked on individual pages.
Individual Personalization is available on Laser Engraved, Label and Digibrite items. Please See Individual Web Pages for Pricing.
Unless otherwise specified, add $50.00(G) for all products. EQP will not apply; first column pricing will be used. Absolute minimum on any style is half the regular minimum unless otherwise specified. On all Ceramic, Drinkware and Embroidery items NO LESS THAN MINIMUM ALLOWED. These orders are sold in full carton quantities only.
In the event of a defect in material or workmanship, Hit® will replace the goods, F.O.B. point of shipment or refund the purchase price for the merchandise at Hit® sole discretion, provided that a written claim is received within 15 days from the shipment date. Hit's® liability shall not in any event exceed the cost of furnishing a replacement for the defective product.
Every effort will be made to match the imprint color to the trim color as closely as possible, however, an exact match cannot be guaranteed on every item.
Available for all Ceramic Mugs. Unless otherwise specified on individual product page, pricing is as follows:
$2.00 | $2.50 | $3.00 | (3G) |
Varies on each item. Charges are marked on individual pages.
4 Color Process Tranfers: Total Set Up Charge, including plate, is $200.00(G). One color included in price, 3 additional colors at .50(G) per color, per piece. Set Up Charges also apply to re-orders. Please refer to our Colorbrite specifications on the web. Production Time: 5-7 days after proof approval.
All orders are subject to overruns or underruns of 5 - 7%. Orders specifying exact quantities are not available.
Available at $15.00(G). Paper proofs will be faxed or Electronic proofs will be emailed unless otherwise noted on purchase order. PRODUCTION BEGINS AFTER RECEIPT OF WRITTEN PROOF APPROVAL.
Virtual Proofs: Available at $20.00(G).
Pricing in this catalog is subject to change without notice. Please visit our website for our most current pricing. Invoices will reflect current website pricing and will not be adjusted to reflect any previously offered pricing.
Pricing obtained from third-party website should be verified against our website prior to order submission.
$40.00(G) on any Silk-Screened or Pad-Printed item. $50.00(G) on Debossed or Digibrite items. $45.00(G) on any Laser Engraved item. Any revisions on proofs will be charged a new proof charge that includes any additional art, die or screen charges. Embroidery, Heat Transfer and 4 Color Process, contact factory for charges.
Every effort has been made to ensure all product images, proofs and virtual proofs are accurate and true to the product. However, due to changes in stock, screen color variations and other factors, we encourage you to request a sample before placing your order so that you can be sure the product is exactly what you’re expecting. Small variations in images and virtual proofs are to be expected and will not result in credits.
Normal Production Time on Standard 1 color Pad-Printed, Laser Engraved and Silk-Screened items approximately 3-5 business days upon proof approval. Multi-Color Pad-Print, Silk-Screen, Debossed and Embroidered items approximately 7-10 business days upon proof approval. 4 Color Process Printed items 10-12 business days upon proof approval. Transfer Printing items 10-12 business days upon after approval. Label items 5-7 business days upon proof approval. These are based on normal production schedules unless otherwise specified on product page. These timelines are guidelines only and are subject to change based on capacity at time of PO.
Due to the inherent properties of ceramic ware produced by foreign manufacturers, there may be imperfections or irregularities which should not be perceived as defective. Variations in materials, firing temperatures and color pigments may result in variations in glaze, overall appearance and imprint colors. These variations must be considered acceptable.
A registration variance of ±1/32" may occur with multiple colors and must be considered acceptable registration.
To insure exact duplication submit the previous invoice number. If previous order included an art, die or screen charge, but a change of copy is needed on the new order, it will be necessary to charge a new art, die or screen charge on the new order. NOTE: We keep art on file for 2 years. Exact imprint and product color cannot be guaranteed on repeat orders. Please request a sample for current product color.
Factory authorization number must be obtained in writing prior to return of merchandise for any reason, or our Receiving Department will not accept return shipment. Returns must be shipped within 15 days of purchase. Once blank items are decorated, no returns will be accepted. All boxes containing blank items must be inspected and verified as the correct product ordered before decorating. For third parties, it is the decorator’s responsibility to verify receipt of correct product. Blank returns will have a 20% restocking fee or $20.00, whichever is greater.
Orders requiring less than normal production time must be clearly designated, and AIR SHIPMENT must be authorized. Orders needing 7 working days or less MUST HAVE FACTORY AUTHORIZATION before being accepted, and a rush charge will apply.
Set up charges will apply to all orders. This charge is listed on each individual product page. Set up charge on exact repeat orders, unless stated in individual product information, will be $25.00(G).
Samples: [email protected]. Hit® will provide up to $10 worth of random samples at no charge with your shipper number.
Hot-Stamped, Pad-Printed, Laser Engraved, Debossed and Silk-Screened items at $50.00(G) per color. Embroidered, Heat Transfer and 4 Color Process items, please contact factory for pricing.
Refills and extra ink cartridges are not available. New product may need some activation before complete flow of ink is constant.
All packaging and carton quantities are approximate. They are subject to change without notice. Packaging will vary according to quantities ordered. Please visit our website for shipping quotes and current packaging information. Web shipping quotes apply only to decorated goods. Please contact your rep for quotes on blank goods. Due to the volume of orders shipped daily, adjustments to ship methods MUST be received 2 days before scheduled ship date or changes cannot be guaranteed. Shipping methods on orders SHIPPING EARLY will not be adjusted to meet in hands date.
POWER BANKS: Due to modifications to the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations and the corresponding change to the UN Classification for power banks Hit can only offer air shipment via UN 3480 Packing instruction 965 Section 1B(Cargo Aircraft Only). These shipments are subject to higher freight rates and an additional $49.00(X) per carton processing fee.
PRODUCTS REGULATED AS OVER-THE-COUNTER (OTC) DRUGS OR COSMETICS: Those products that fall into this category are not eligible for shipment to any foreign country due to the wide range of regulations around the world. Many nations have their own requirements for facility registration, product listing and labeling of this category. Examples of OTC Drug products: Hand Sanitizer (see separate note regarding shipping classification), Sunscreen, and Lip Balm with SPF. Examples of Cosmetics: Lip Moisturizer, Lip Gloss, Shampoo, etc.
SANITIZERS: Alcohol based hand sanitizers are considered hazardous materials due to their flammability, and as such are subject to the regulations of the US Department of Transportation (domestic ground and air shipments) and International Air Transportation Association (IATA - international air shipments), with the US DoT regulations located in Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Air shipments of these items will be subject to a processing fee of $49.00(X) per carton, as each carton must be declared, labeled, and shipped separately. Ground shipments do not require special declarations and can ship multiple packages in one shipment, and thus will not be subject to any additional processing fees; however, shipments to Alaska and Hawaii can only be shipped via air, as ground shipments still have to board a plane to reach their final destination. Due to variations in hazardous material regulations around the globe, Hit® does not ship alcohol based sanitizers internationally; Hit® will ship to a domestic location, at which point it becomes the responsibility of our distributors and their clients to determine if the destination country will accept these shipments and to make the international shipment.
Orders shipped to more than one destination are subject to a charge of $10.00(G) for each additional destination.
To ensure safe delivery for ceramic mugs and drinkware a Protective-Pack box will be used. Our Protective-Pack cartons are approved by UPS and Federal Express. Special rates have been negotiated with each carrier for this program. In the event that you decline the use of our Protective-Pack box or specify a carrier other than UPS or Federal Express, it is understood that HIT® PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY BREAKAGE CLAIMS. Pricing for each Protective-Pack box is $10.00(G).
Must be marked on purchase order INSIDE DELIVERY.
Any claims concerning delayed merchandise must be made directly to the carrier. Hit® Promotional Products’ responsibility ceases once the merchandise is delivered to the carrier.
Please note: Tracking and/or delivery confirmation cannot be provided for USPS shipments. USPS cannot be used for international shipments or items with lithium batteries.
All orders for export requiring specific certified documentation will be billed at the rate of $100.00(G) per set of papers. When special packaging is specified, an additional charge will be levied. Please identify your customs broker.
C.O.D. SHIPMENT: Not Available.
Our primary carrier is UPS, and as such, they are the last truck to depart our facility each evening. If you request a different shipping method and your order cannot make their cut-off time, we will ship UPS and invoice for shipping. If no carrier is specified on your order, UPS Ground will be used.
Effective September 1, 2023, we no longer will be returning Mail Innovations and USPS shipments to our facilities. If packages are undeliverable by the postal service, they will be abandoned. Shipments could be undeliverable for a variety of reasons: incomplete, illegible, or incorrect address, addressee not at address (unknown, moved, or deceased), mail unclaimed or mail refused by the addressee at time of delivery. The postal service does not offer guaranteed delivery. If you elect not to ship as Mail Innovations or USPS due to lack of guaranteed delivery, we can offer you a guaranteed UPS ground or Air service alternative.
Hit always suggests ordering a small percentage of overs to satisfy any requests after the initial shipment.
Return Charges will be assessed to the Customer together with the original Charges, unless the Shipment was undeliverable due to the fault of HPP. Customer will be liable for any and all costs, charges and fees incurred in returning, storing or disposing of an undeliverable Shipment.
Return Charges will be assessed to the Customer together with the original Charges, unless the Shipment was undeliverable due to the fault of HPP. Customer will be liable for any and all costs, charges, duties, taxes and fees incurred in returning, storing or disposing of an undeliverable Shipment, if applicable.
Between the months of April-September we recommend Chocolate and heat sensitive items be shipped in an insulated carton with cold packs. This adds $14 (G) per carton. We will determine how many insulated cartons will be needed for each order and let you know on the invoice. Factory is not responsible for shipping costs. We can ship Ground to any location within two days shipping from Bellmawr, NJ 08031. Any other location will require 2-Day air shipment via FedEx or UPS to ensure that no melting occurs. Chocolate and nuts should be stored in a cool dry place.
NOTE: Colors and textures of certain products may vary according to manufacturer. Because we have no control over what is sent, these variations must be considered acceptable.
All transactions are processed in US Dollars and payment must be made in US Dollars. Any payment made in any other currency will be subject to a bank currency conversion adjustment. Canadian pricing is shown based on the current exchange rate and is designed for informational purposes only. Note: The exchange rate can fluctuate from day to day
We are a facility where nuts are handled/processed. Please mention your allergen concerns when placing your order.